Genus Aethiessa Burmeister, 1842


Genre bien distinct et caracterise par un scutellum arrondi a l’apex, au moins le premier article des tarses posterieurs dilate en pointe au bord superieur, la saillie mesosternale peu saillante et a peu pres lisse, les cotes dorsales des elytres completement effacees et l’edeage des males de la taille volumineuse et de forme cuneiforme.

Les sept especes du genre se distinguent surtout par la forme des parameres des males, la forme du pygidium des femelles, et le type de pilosite du dessus.

Au Levant trois taxa sont presents:
Aethiessa floralis Fabricius, 1787
Aethiessa mesopotamica ssp. mesopotamica Burmeister, 1842
Aethiessa mesopotamica ssp. rugipennis Burmeister, 1842


Quite distinct genus which is characterized by scutellum rounded on the apex, at least the first article of the posterior tarsi enlarged in a point at the dorsal border, the mesosternal process is not very projecting and almost smooth, elytral rib completely smoth, and the edeagus of the males bulky and wedge-shaped.

The seven species of the genus are characterized mainly by the shape of the paramera and by the shape of pygidium of the females, and the type of pilosity of the dorsal surface.

In the Levant three taxa are present:
Aethiessa floralis Fabricius, 1787
Aethiessa mesopotamica ssp. mesopotamica Burmeister, 1842
Aethiessa mesopotamica ssp. rugipennis Burmeister, 1842

Metatarsus in Aethiessa
photo D.Keith
(click to enlarge)
Paramera of Aethiessa species from Baraud, 1992
(click to enlarge)
Distribution of Aethiessa species from Tauzin

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